"'The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free, and that the time of the Lord's favor has come.' He (Jesus, the One who was anointed to accomplish all this) rolled up the scroll..... Then he began to speak to them. 'The scripture you've just heard has been fulfilled this very day!'" Luke 4:18 - 20

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Aiyin Continued

Thursday evening, Chuck Pierce word for 2010, continued from previous post. This is some deeper explanation of some of his previous bullet points....


Genesis 6 - 8 "As in the days of Noah" God sees you.

"The Lord saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had
become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil
all the time. The Lord was grieved that He had made man on the earth, and
His heart was filled with pain. So the Lord said, 'I will wipe mankind,
whom I have created, from the face of the earth....' But Noah found favor
in the eyes of the Lord" Gen 6:5-8 NIV

Receive favor.

God changes his mind when He gets tired of striving with people ("My spirit shall not strive with man forever" Gen 6:3 NASB)

Genesis 6:8 But. . . Grace. You do not have to fret over the judgements about to come on the world. Make an ark and make a window between heaven and earth. He will give His people new models. He is looking to favor you.

Genesis 28 See your ladder. (You have a whole season to find it). He'll show you how to climb out of the pit you've been in. You'll see angels interacting between heaven and earth. No more pit! You are not meant to stay in the pit. You will bring riches and treasures up with you.

Save those around you who are willing to be saved. He will show you who is willing. If they are not willing, move on.

Exodus 3 See your burning bush and make sure you know how God is going to move. God went and found Moses and called him "off the shelf". It is the same for us now, in this coming season. God is going to do stuff. When He does, He wants us to LOOK, turn aside, and find out what's going on. This is the end of the season of spectator sports. Now it's about participation, and it's going to take an act of your will.

Luke 24 Look again. Get past your last traumatic experience and loss. He is there. He is looking for you. (In the next three months, God is going to be dealing with the spirit of trauma. Trauma is like a snapshot that gets stored in your thinking capacity and colors everything else that comes in.) In Luke 24 Jesus comes upon the disciples on Emmaus Way who were despondently discussing the horror and disappointment of the fate of their king. Vs 16 says their eyes were restrained; they did not recognize Jesus when He showed up. Why? Because of what they were focusing on. They couldn't see him because of their emotions. Our emotional state creates the way we converse. Remember that Jesus is always close at hand. He hears what you talk and think about. You will become aware of His nearness. You will become aware of what you're saying and how you're saying it. You'll get to explain to Him how YOU see it.

But also pay attention to how/what others are seeing. The disciples KNEW the TRUTH -- the women who had been at the tomb told it to them, but they chose to believe the lie, just because they had not seen for themselves. So, will you believe what someone SAW? Or what someone (or yourself) did NOT SEE?

After they went on about their perspective, then He told them HIS perspective. {I have found this to be a wonderful, graceful quality of the Lord over the years. He listens to our hurts, anger, and whining, first, and then shows us a far better way, the truth from his vantage point.} Chuck says, when you're struggling with what to believe about something, first of all, at least believe the WORD! Jesus would have had lots to say to these doubting disciples, but he started with the scriptures, showing them how everything that happened was spoken beforehand. Then he suggested that was enough and that He would move on. But they constrained him, asking him to stay with them. They wanted more. Will we be satisfied with the simple explanation or will we constrain him for his Presence, His visitation, His abiding. He WILL take us past the flash of revelation and sit down with us and open our eyes to His presence.

The biggest thing this year: a New Level of Communion

Monday, February 15, 2010

Ayin: The Eye of the Lord

Thursdsay evening: Chuch Pierce

Chuck's message for the coming year was exciting to me. But he talked so fast with so much to say, had so many slides to copy, and gave a message peppered with spontaneous prophecy for the moment, it is hard to capture it all on paper. I will try my best and hope you get the gist. All of it of course is my paraphrase. If you are considering ordering any of the CD's or downloads from the conference, I would recommend this session foremost. Here's the Elijah List link: http://www.elijahshopper.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=EL01%2DCP015

He started out with a for-the-moment word for the local region that was based out of the wonderful worship that had just taken place: The Healing Well has JUST been opened up here. God says, "I will extend a cup to you at my Right Time; when it comes, drink it!"

Another now-word specifically for the people there that night followed: God says, I have raised up a prophetic troop with a hunger for this season. Because you've chosen this path, because you've sought me this way here, I will change the ground you walk on (as you go back to your homes.) I will open up the gate you could not get open before. I will bring in your children. Don't fret over them. I am calling in a generation that will seek me more than you have. Because you have sought me, I will give you my glory more than you have seen before and I will lead you forward and cut off the Pass behind you. {Whoo hoo! It is so good to read this again! If you have a hunger, claim this for yourself, even if you weren't there. This prophecy became very profound and real to me on the last night of the conference --though I didn't make a connection until just now. Also it seems to fit with what pastor Denny Cline has been speaking about lately... breakthrough, and pressing/passing through for the long-haul.}

It's a New Season! "Ayin"

We have crossed over into a new season. It is important to know God's calendar.
Your clock is therefore being re-established -- including even your bio-rythm.

The calendars of the world are important. On Dec 31, Wall Street declared that they have to start paying attention to the other calendars of the world (like the Hebrew calendar, probably Chinese calendar, etc) if they are going to succeed!

Supernatural faith is increasing boldness and breaking us out of a conventional-thinking mold. New Identity! You'll start saying: "I'm just becoming new without trying!!!"

2010 is :

  • A time to transform

  • A time to thresh -- throw it all up in the air and let God separate it out!

  • A time to shout Grace -- it crumbles mountains

  • A time to move mountains
This is the Hebrew year 5770 -- it begins a whole new decade -- we have entered a new 10 year period, so think Season, not just year. This means it is no longer a time for "coming full circle" as was last year/last season. It is a time for real breakthrough.

Ayin = 70 {as in the year 5770}

The symbol for this year is "ayin" which looks like a script lower case y.

(picture from Chuck Pierce's website http://www.gloryofzion.org/)
It means: a hand extended upward to heaven and a sword coming down from heaven that creates a new intersection. So, You've already come full circle, now it's time to move forward, and for ground to break open. {I presume because of the sword from heaven intersecting the earth where we are}

[Some say it looks like two snake heads rising up (that's what I thought it looked like), and some think it looks like new sprouts of wheat with their little heads lifted up. Both are significant.... more later]

Interjected... a prophecy for Oregon: Ground is breaking open that could not break open before. God will penetrate into the soil and bring His Spirit into our spirit. The well of our spirits is opening up.

"Ayin" means: "The Eye of the Lord is upon us", and the whole season is about eyes and seeing (supernaturally).

{Barbie Breathitt similarly prophecied this season being about ayin and seeing... see her word "The Year of the Seer" at http://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word/8452 I assume she is going off of much of what Chuck as been saying since August; her word is excellent and much better than what I can explain here}

It is "the most supernatural season ever." The Supernatural realm will open up like never before. {Recall that Steve Shultz, before hearing Chuck's message, prophesied an increase of superatural encounters of seeing Jesus face to face!}

All 70s in the Bible are related to captivity being broken.
10 is always related to testimony.
7 is always related to completion.
Therefore -- Testing {and testimonies?} will be completed by the fullness of the season, which Chuck says is the end of March {Remember the Jewish year started last fall, not in January}

A time to see
Ayin = The Eye of the Lord is watching. So...

  • Gain sight and vision in this season
  • See eye to eye, face to face
  • Always Look Again. Things become see-able in this season, so take a second look... Increase your aperature, pay attention to flashes and peripheral sights; record visions quickly, even if you don't understand or if you aren't sure of what you saw or whether you saw anything at all. Record it immediately and then ask for the meaning. God will give you the meaning if you are paying attention. --- Discipline your mind to capture flash thoughts. They are there to direct your life.
  • See sprouts bud (the ayin symbol kind of looks like budding sprouts)
  • It is a time to sparkle and gleam
  • Spring forth! Bubble up. Especially prophetic revelation will bubble up in the next two years, then it will lessen. Be diligent to write and guard it.
  • New wells
  • Go beyond, go deeper
  • Form a ladder and climb out of your hole/pit
  • This is a time to nurture
  • This will be a season of crime, hostility, and vexation (the evil eye) This has to do with superstition (which says if you don't do everything just right, God won't be happy with you), gambling (in terms of a bloodline issue) and mammon (concern over supply)

We are shifting from hearing to seeing. Seeing will cause your hearing to increase.