God sees.
He sees me. From the wave of His glory He watches. In the waves of our tempest He sees our condition. His eye beholds the sea of humanity.
I believe He is calling us these days to see as He sees, in the middle of the waves. When we believe that He sees, we will cry out for deliverance. But when we see as He sees, we will rest in peace.
In the well known story of Jesus stilling the storm, his disciples accused Him of not seeing their condition. "Master, do you not care that we are going to drown?" (Mk 4:38) I guess, if truth be told, Jesus did NOT care about their drowning because He saw as the Father saw; and what He saw was that they were indeed not going to drown. He saw, not the storm, but His assignment on the other side of the lake. He saw, not the wind and the waves, but His unquestioned dominion over them. And so He rested peacefully, seeing with Heaven's eye, in the midst of the waves.
Jonah saw as God saw. I know, Jonah was a rebel and a whiner, but when it counted most, in the depths of the waves, in the belly of a fish, he came to a place of seeing as God saw and so became the crowning "type" and example of Messiah's resurrection from the grave.
Jonah knew he had sinned; he knew he was worthy of God's wrath, and as he was flung off the side of the ship and felt the cold splash as salt water pummeled him into the depths I wouldn't blame him for being certain that he WAS going to drown and that God did NOT care. Somewhere between the beginning of that storm and the third day after becoming shark bait he began to see differently.
"From inside the fish Jonah prayed to the LORD his God. He said: 'In my
distress I called to the LORD, and he answered me.... You hurled me into the
deep, into the very heart of the seas, and the currents swirled about me.... I
said, 'I have been banished from your sight; yet I
will look again toward your holy temple.' The
engulfing waters
threatened me, the deep surrounded me.... To the roots of the mountains I sank
down.... But you brought my life up from the
pit, O LORD my God. When my life was ebbing away, I remembered you,
LORD.... ...I, with a song of thanksgiving, will sacrifice to you. What I have vowed I will make good.... And the LORD
commanded the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land." (Jonah 2)
AFTER Jonah worshipped God for his rescue, God rescued him. In the midst of his grave he praised God for His salvation and made declaration of what would come. How did he know he would ever look again toward the temple? Why would he say that God brought, past tense, his life up from the pit? What on earth would make him think he'd ever get a second chance to fulfill his vows? Positive thinking? A sense of invincibility?
An eye in the middle of the waves. He believed that God saw him AND he saw as God saw. Because of sight birthed in relationship he could declare his future as if it were the present.
we were just talking about jonah at prayer last night!