Wednesday, June 9, 2010
It is a choice to
not fear
or worry
or fret
or control.
It is a cellular shift in
the brain
the shoulders
the stomach
the legs.
It is a purposed thought that
changes neural pathways
shifts cellular metabolism
reduces tension
shuts off cortisol.
It is a command to
still the mind
relax the muscles
open the lungs
release the fear.
It is a mindset that
resists the devil
breaks the cycle
stirs up faith
opens spiritual eyes.
Trust is an action.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
To be or not to be?
Will I BE happy or NOT be sad?
Will I BE healthy or NOT be riddled with disease?
Will I pursue life or avoid dying?
Will I hunger for righteousness or try to NOT sin too bad?
These seeming opposites are not two sides of the same coin. They are completely different currency.
For me, starting again today,
I will choose
to be.
What will you choose?
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The Word Manifested
"Pathways, Excellence"
I took this to mean that the Lord was sending me an angel (or maybe two), to help open up paths in my life and lead me in an excellent way. I began thanking and praising God. But, as much as I appreciate them, this post is not about angels. I am deeply in love with Jesus and wherever there is revelation of Him is where I will hang my heart. So, while this vision has a story in itself, I just want to share the simple revelation of (and appreciation for) the person, Jesus, that it led to.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Wanna ride?
Recently the Lord keeps bringing back a vision that I had last summer. I had been contemplating horses because I’d had several horse dreams and knew that they represented self-effort, personal striving, the sweaty work of human flesh. Suddenly I saw myself wrestling with a big brown horse. It had a bit and bridle on and I thought that it was trained, but it was not doing anything I wanted. I was trying to get on it to ride but I could not control it or accomplish anything by trying to tame it. I was getting really frustrated. Suddenly out of the corner of my eye I saw the foot of another animal step into my frame of reference. It was not a horse’s hoof. It was a paw. A huge, golden-colored paw. I guess I let go of the horse and looking up, found myself face-to-chest with a gigantic lion. I could see the straps of a halter or some kind of riding gear buckled across his chest. Instinctively I knew WHO it was and involuntarily fell on my face in the presence and sight of the majesty that surrounded him. After a few moments I sheepishly looked up and asked “May I ride you?” I just wanted to ride! He shook his mane and somehow caused me to stand to my feet. As I stood up, a black, disgusting mass fell off of me. It lay on the ground beside me in a puddle shaped like a person. I was embarrassed that I had even asked to get near him with all that sin and filth attached. He said nothing but I saw his head bend down and his mouth move toward the black shadow. Then his pink tongue stuck out and he began to lap it up. My stomach literally turned and I became sick, because I knew what was in that disgusting, rotten mess. But here he was licking it all up, taking it into himself! It was his will to take all of the filth away from me, so that I could go with him.
The vision ended and I had a couple days to digest the impact of seeing the King of Glory literally “eat” the poison of my sin. I could hardly do anything but weep. Finally I sat down, and basically said, Okay, God, what next? What is living like now? May I ride you? How?
I saw myself climbing upon the back of that lion, but as soon as I got on his back, I disappeared down inside of him, and he began to fly. Going with him was like becoming one with the wind. The molecules of our individual beings came undone and wrapped around each other. [As I type this now, I realize it is actually similar to JoAnn McFatter’s description of a quantum physics explanation of the intertwining of the spiritual and physical realms. (I may get into this later, for now read The Elijah List April 2, 2010 posting)].
There is an aspect of reality to this concept that in our understanding we can never grasp. Jesus prayed, “That they all may be one, [just] as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be one in Us.” (Jn 17:21). I think that by training our thoughts upon the finished work of Christ and all of its outcome, we become more and more embedded in Him and are able to move with Him rather than standing around wrestling with wild horses. We cannot tame our flesh. We can fall at his majesty and holiness, give our shame and striving to him, and become one with the Living God.
Francis Frangipane says “Let’s settle this truth once and for all: It is the nearness of God that produces our good. Christianity was never designed by God to be sustained by nice people trying to appear good. We’re not that good. We’re not that clever. And we’re not that nice. The only thing that can sustain true Christianity is true union with Jesus Christ. It is nearness to Him in all things that produces our spiritual fruit. … Therefore the strength of our walk does not originate from within ourselves; rather it comes from our relationship with Christ. Our virtue, if it can be defined as such, is that we have learned to prioritize seeking God and developing our oneness with Him. By this I mean, Jesus is not only first on our list of priorities; his influence rules over all our priorities. He inspires love in our relationships; His voice becomes the conviction in our integrity. God has made ‘Christ Jesus’ to be to us ‘wisdom … and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption’ (I Cor 1:30).”
Saturday, April 3, 2010
The Stone of Justice, Part 2
I am NOT disparaging the many varied and beautiful cultures around the world and their unique passions, priorities, and views of the divine. And I most definitely do not despise the diverse manifestations of Christ to individual hurting hearts. The living stones that make up God's temple are varied. God is vast, and his dwelling place has many rooms (John 14:2), but it has only one foundation.
Perhaps this foundation is so offensive not because it is big or singular, but because it is bloody. Perhaps it is rejected because it dresses in the garb of servanthood. Perhaps it is frightening because it claims to BE God. Perhaps it is despised because it cannot be found just anywhere. No, the passage says God laid this foundation in a particular favored spot. It is not in Mecca, or Athens, or Badrinath, or Sedona.
God divinely laid this choice stone in ZION.
He planted it.
In the ground.
On a hill.
Called Calvary.
This means that mankind is not good enough to reach God. It means to be in relationship with God, we must go through another. It means our sacrifice is insufficient. It means that God is not only gracious and forgiving, but he is also just. Our sin and insufficiency cannot be overlooked.
They can only be crucified.
It also means we are not God, nor above him, nor equal to him. It means that we have neither a clue how, nor an ounce of power to be able, to reach Him or get him into our lives. This is humiliating if you're trying to be divine - or religious - but actually it's really good news. It means we can stop trying so hard.
We can just fling ourselves onto that big, bloody slab and rest on what he has done.
Rest on what he is.
It may not get us fortune or fame or personal fulfilment. It certainly does not promise a life free of stupid mistakes or even theological confusion. But the promise of 1 Peter 2 is that those who believe - who lay their head, their thinking, their ideologies, their hopes and dreams of connection with God - on this tried and true Cornerstone will "not be disappointed."
The Stone of Justice, Part 1
I am small and don't know nearly as much as I used to think I did. There are so many theologies, so many ways of reaching out to connect with each other and that Something out there. So many ways to hope to manipulate "God" into being and doing what makes us feel happy and successful and fulfilled. What is right? Who or what IS God, anyway? And if I am not manifesting "success", am I somehow missing Him? Is there some other thing that I'm not doing that would launch me into fulfillment?
I know God is stretching my thinking, wriggling his way out of my theological box.
It's annoying.
And it's scarey.
And sometimes it hurts. So, a few days ago I asked specifically for a scripture that would bring healing to my confused, raw heart. I heard "First Peter. 2. 9, 8, 3." I asked the Lord what he wanted to talk to me about in the passage, and he told me, "Justice." Hmmmm... I didn't have any idea what the verses said, nor do I know why they came to me backwards. But as I read it, my heart flamed with a joy and peace I hadn't felt in weeks.
Here is the whole passage.
"Therefore, putting aside all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander, like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation, if you have tasted the kindness of the Lord. And coming to Him as to a living stone which has been rejected by men, but is choice and precious in the sight of God, you also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. For this is contained in Scripture: "BEHOLD, I LAY IN ZION A CHOICE STONE, A PRECIOUS CORNER stone, AND HE WHO BELIEVES IN HIM WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED." This precious value, then, is for you who believe; but for those who disbelieve, "THE STONE WHICH THE BUILDERS REJECTED, THIS BECAME THE VERY CORNER stone," and, "A STONE OF STUMBLING AND A ROCK OF OFFENSE"; for they stumble because they are disobedient to the word, and to this doom they were also appointed. But you are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR God's OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; for you once were NOT A PEOPLE, but now you are THE PEOPLE OF GOD; you had NOT RECEIVED MERCY, but now you have RECEIVED MERCY. "At once my heart remembered its foundation! Jesus - my living Stone! Anchored again in truth, my heart was able to begin to soar again, to believe again, to trust again. All week I have read and reread this passage like a toddler cuddling a blankie, even wanting to press the open bible to my chest or lay my head tenderly on its meaning.
Jacob laid his head on a Stone. After fleeing his father's house undoubtedly filled with questions of who God is and what is Justice, he came to a field and laid down to sleep, laying his head on a stone (Gen 13). I know that Hebrew text never minces words or adds superlatives for the sake of sheer description, so there is meaning in this act. Resting upon that hard rock, Jacob's eyes were open to the spiritual realm and he witnessed the commerce between heaven and earth that assured him (and us) there is a God to be known and a way to reach his dwelling place. He did not receive this revelation by striving. He receieved it by resting. On a Stone. The Stone.
Psalm 37 tells us not to fret because there are those seeking other things who seem to prosper in their way. (Esau despised his birthright and took on the idolotrous culture around him, but guess who ended up getting to stay in the comforts of home?) The prosperity of the wicked will eventually become meaningless, but those who wait on the Lord will inherit his unending kingdom. More than that, they inherit HIM! That is the justice I got from from 1 Peter 2. I don't have success and money and exciting vacations or the family I have always dreamed of. But I have Jesus. To a skeptic, that may be simplistic and foolish, but to a Lover.... oh, to a Lover, it is more than enough! It is comfort and elation. It is a satisfied sigh. It is pure milk. To one who has "tasted the kindness of the Lord (vs3)" it is indeed justice. It is fair, because the comforts of the world will come and go. And if that is what others seek after, then that is their reward. But give me the Rock that doesn't fade away. Give me that Man who was tortured for the sake of love. Give me that Love.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Practiced Presence leads to Greater Presence
Let us always be crying out for more. Let us never leave off seeking greater revelation. But let us absorb what we have already received and partake of what is already ours. Let us live as children of the house, not as beggars on the street pounding on the door of the home to which we already own the key!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Raw-er Relationship
Everything about life with God this year has been relationship relationship relationship. Life is supposed to be about knowing him, not just knowing what he can do, or what I can do with his power. But this stripping away of myself -- of my good deeds, my successes, my prophetic-ness -- has shown me just how self-absorbed I have been in my relationship with God.
A few days ago I threw myself on the bed and lamented in hopeless groanings. Have I ever been in relationship with God? Do I even know what relationship is? Have I ever had relationship with anybody? How do I know if I "know" another being? I thought of my mom and dad, whose home I share. Do I really know them? Do I really "have relationship" with them? In my brokenness I could see how surface-oriented and selfish our dealings with each other have been, and in my analysis of the situation deemed myself and all my so-called relationships unfit. . . even fraud. God, forgive me! I cried.
In the next instant it was if a ray of light broke through and I saw truth. In one sense, I DON'T know how to truly be in relationship -- that is, to truly "relate" to others. In another, it is downright silly for me to say that I do not have relationship with my parents whom I have loved and honored my whole life and with whom I now share living space, meals, work, and play. Perhaps we are each absorbed with our own concerns and there are indeed levels of intimacy that have not been (and may never be) tapped, but that does not mean that I do not know them or they me. It is the same with my God. I realized that in all my trying so hard to achieve relationship, I had forgotten what I had of it to begin with. I had started analyzing it instead of living it. God IS near at hand. His Spirit DOES live inside me. I DO think his thoughts after him. I have approached him often absorbed in my own concerns and there are indeed levels of intimacy I can barely imagine, let alone reach, but the God of the universe IS my friend!
I know, from personal experience, that he is funny, tender, forgiving, full of wisdom, and always knows where my car keys are! He speaks to me through spring flowers about who he is and what he's done. He lovingly corrects me through dreams and brings just the right book at just the right time. He gives me pictures of the knowing grin on his face as he walks beside me as if he has some giant secret up his sleeve, and whispers "I know how you feel" in response to my complaints. I know that he often prods, but never yells, sometimes scolds, but never shames, and like a patient teacher, finds new ways to tell me once again what he has already told me a hundred times before.
I know that knowing God really is impossible. I also know that he, himself, because of his great desire to know us, made the impossible possible when he became human flesh and died as a man to pay the unthinkable price of a torn veil.
And so, if he was willing to do that in order to know me, I will be willing to go through this breaking process to know him.... better. I will live this knowing into deeper and raw-er levels of relationship. Perhaps I should say, deeper and raw-er levels of "relating".
Peel away at the layers of my defenses, my Lover, my Friend . . . however raw I may feel. . . until you and I are one! There is no higher calling.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Being is Seeing
This has been a pretty yucky week, though I've hard a hard time figuring out why. I have been under all kinds of striving, confusion, hypocrisy, guilt, and heaviness. I've been "trying" to reach God to seemingly no avail, but still knowing He would soon come through. Today, after some heavy conversations for which my mind had no logical argument but my spirit recoiled, the air was thick with intellectualism. As I drove to the worship meeting at church, I told the Lord I needed to see into the situation. I knew I wasn't clear on anything and could really only pray for deliverance from the befuddlement that wrapped around my head like a cloud. I entered the service late and figured it would take me a while to "catch up" in the spirit. But the Presence of the Lord was thicker than the cloud that hovered over me, and in moments I remembered why I love Him, need Him, delight in Him! Lightness and joy overtook me and it felt like a heavy, encumbering blanket fell off. It's like when you've been sick for so long you don't realize you're sick .... until you finally start to get well, and you think "Wow! I didn't know I could feel this good!" I could hardly contain myself from jumping all over the place, waving my arms wildly around in the air, and shouting "I love you I love you I love you Jesus!" I noticed people moving away from me, but what could I do? I was overwhelmed with the sense of freedom that is the essence of His presence.
Just in this awareness, I was "seeing". I was seeing that my struggle for the whole week had been against religion and headiness. I was seeing - though really just experiencing by being in it - that where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. I was seeing - by first hand understanding - that the spirit-life is not something you explain, it is something you live; that Paul was right when he said that words and logic won't do the trick, it just takes the power of God to make a difference. I was seeing alot about the situations and people I've been praying for and how the main thing is to pray for a visitation of the Holy One in our lives. You see, (uh, pun not intended), I was looking to "see" an explanation, when really all I needed was to "see" by "being" where God was, and getting changed.
Now, did I get to see, vision-wise? Oh yea. Not the explanation I was looking for, but - far better - the glory of the freedom of worshipping the one true God....
First everything was brilliant green: giant emeralds the size of temple pillars and an atmosphere of transparent aqua-marine, glistening and iridescent. It was air, and yet it had substance, like crystal. My thirst was quenched as I beheld it. As I got deeper into praise and closer to the throne, gold began to run down through the green and become swirled and entwined. I revelled in all God was giving me and the gold began to form into a fabric pattern and take on the form of ornamentation on a garment; then I saw large dark sapphire beads take shape that seemed to bind the gold to the green. Then golden ropes began to wrap themselves around me and tie me to the throne of God. These I willingly embraced, for they are not like the heavy weights of expectation and the reasoning of the world. They are the awesome privilege and liberty of being a bond-slave of Jesus the King. And what a King to be tied to! So beautiful, so life-giving. I gulped big breath-fulls of His clean air and of His Spirit.
When I got home, He gave me more ideas for my life, and then, then I saw Him sitting on my bed, sprawled out and laughing. I laid my head where I thought I saw His knee and just breathed Him in. I sensed He was about to speak and I held my breath for His majestic statement. You know what it was? "Tonight was great, huh?"
Lord! Tonight was great for You, too?! I guess I don't automatically think of things that way or that His message would be so simple and personal. But in this place of being with Him I "saw" that the swirling colors of heaven are the emotions of a personal God who, even as I revel in being His bond-slave, He calls me friend and delights in my presence as much as I delight in His.
Yes, I am beginning to see as He sees.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
The Eye in the Wave
God sees.
He sees me. From the wave of His glory He watches. In the waves of our tempest He sees our condition. His eye beholds the sea of humanity.
I believe He is calling us these days to see as He sees, in the middle of the waves. When we believe that He sees, we will cry out for deliverance. But when we see as He sees, we will rest in peace.
In the well known story of Jesus stilling the storm, his disciples accused Him of not seeing their condition. "Master, do you not care that we are going to drown?" (Mk 4:38) I guess, if truth be told, Jesus did NOT care about their drowning because He saw as the Father saw; and what He saw was that they were indeed not going to drown. He saw, not the storm, but His assignment on the other side of the lake. He saw, not the wind and the waves, but His unquestioned dominion over them. And so He rested peacefully, seeing with Heaven's eye, in the midst of the waves.
Jonah saw as God saw. I know, Jonah was a rebel and a whiner, but when it counted most, in the depths of the waves, in the belly of a fish, he came to a place of seeing as God saw and so became the crowning "type" and example of Messiah's resurrection from the grave.
Jonah knew he had sinned; he knew he was worthy of God's wrath, and as he was flung off the side of the ship and felt the cold splash as salt water pummeled him into the depths I wouldn't blame him for being certain that he WAS going to drown and that God did NOT care. Somewhere between the beginning of that storm and the third day after becoming shark bait he began to see differently.
"From inside the fish Jonah prayed to the LORD his God. He said: 'In my
distress I called to the LORD, and he answered me.... You hurled me into the
deep, into the very heart of the seas, and the currents swirled about me.... I
said, 'I have been banished from your sight; yet I
will look again toward your holy temple.' The
engulfing waters
threatened me, the deep surrounded me.... To the roots of the mountains I sank
down.... But you brought my life up from the
pit, O LORD my God. When my life was ebbing away, I remembered you,
LORD.... ...I, with a song of thanksgiving, will sacrifice to you. What I have vowed I will make good.... And the LORD
commanded the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land." (Jonah 2)
AFTER Jonah worshipped God for his rescue, God rescued him. In the midst of his grave he praised God for His salvation and made declaration of what would come. How did he know he would ever look again toward the temple? Why would he say that God brought, past tense, his life up from the pit? What on earth would make him think he'd ever get a second chance to fulfill his vows? Positive thinking? A sense of invincibility?
An eye in the middle of the waves. He believed that God saw him AND he saw as God saw. Because of sight birthed in relationship he could declare his future as if it were the present.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Aiyin Continued
Genesis 6 - 8 "As in the days of Noah" God sees you.
"The Lord saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had
become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil
all the time. The Lord was grieved that He had made man on the earth, and
His heart was filled with pain. So the Lord said, 'I will wipe mankind,
whom I have created, from the face of the earth....' But Noah found favor
in the eyes of the Lord" Gen 6:5-8 NIV
Receive favor.
God changes his mind when He gets tired of striving with people ("My spirit shall not strive with man forever" Gen 6:3 NASB)
Genesis 6:8 But. . . Grace. You do not have to fret over the judgements about to come on the world. Make an ark and make a window between heaven and earth. He will give His people new models. He is looking to favor you.Genesis 28 See your ladder. (You have a whole season to find it). He'll show you how to climb out of the pit you've been in. You'll see angels interacting between heaven and earth. No more pit! You are not meant to stay in the pit. You will bring riches and treasures up with you.
Save those around you who are willing to be saved. He will show you who is willing. If they are not willing, move on.
Exodus 3 See your burning bush and make sure you know how God is going to move. God went and found Moses and called him "off the shelf". It is the same for us now, in this coming season. God is going to do stuff. When He does, He wants us to LOOK, turn aside, and find out what's going on. This is the end of the season of spectator sports. Now it's about participation, and it's going to take an act of your will.
Luke 24 Look again. Get past your last traumatic experience and loss. He is there. He is looking for you. (In the next three months, God is going to be dealing with the spirit of trauma. Trauma is like a snapshot that gets stored in your thinking capacity and colors everything else that comes in.) In Luke 24 Jesus comes upon the disciples on Emmaus Way who were despondently discussing the horror and disappointment of the fate of their king. Vs 16 says their eyes were restrained; they did not recognize Jesus when He showed up. Why? Because of what they were focusing on. They couldn't see him because of their emotions. Our emotional state creates the way we converse. Remember that Jesus is always close at hand. He hears what you talk and think about. You will become aware of His nearness. You will become aware of what you're saying and how you're saying it. You'll get to explain to Him how YOU see it.
But also pay attention to how/what others are seeing. The disciples KNEW the TRUTH -- the women who had been at the tomb told it to them, but they chose to believe the lie, just because they had not seen for themselves. So, will you believe what someone SAW? Or what someone (or yourself) did NOT SEE?
After they went on about their perspective, then He told them HIS perspective. {I have found this to be a wonderful, graceful quality of the Lord over the years. He listens to our hurts, anger, and whining, first, and then shows us a far better way, the truth from his vantage point.} Chuck says, when you're struggling with what to believe about something, first of all, at least believe the WORD! Jesus would have had lots to say to these doubting disciples, but he started with the scriptures, showing them how everything that happened was spoken beforehand. Then he suggested that was enough and that He would move on. But they constrained him, asking him to stay with them. They wanted more. Will we be satisfied with the simple explanation or will we constrain him for his Presence, His visitation, His abiding. He WILL take us past the flash of revelation and sit down with us and open our eyes to His presence.
The biggest thing this year: a New Level of Communion
Monday, February 15, 2010
Ayin: The Eye of the Lord
Chuck's message for the coming year was exciting to me. But he talked so fast with so much to say, had so many slides to copy, and gave a message peppered with spontaneous prophecy for the moment, it is hard to capture it all on paper. I will try my best and hope you get the gist. All of it of course is my paraphrase. If you are considering ordering any of the CD's or downloads from the conference, I would recommend this session foremost. Here's the Elijah List link:
He started out with a for-the-moment word for the local region that was based out of the wonderful worship that had just taken place: The Healing Well has JUST been opened up here. God says, "I will extend a cup to you at my Right Time; when it comes, drink it!"
Another now-word specifically for the people there that night followed: God says, I have raised up a prophetic troop with a hunger for this season. Because you've chosen this path, because you've sought me this way here, I will change the ground you walk on (as you go back to your homes.) I will open up the gate you could not get open before. I will bring in your children. Don't fret over them. I am calling in a generation that will seek me more than you have. Because you have sought me, I will give you my glory more than you have seen before and I will lead you forward and cut off the Pass behind you. {Whoo hoo! It is so good to read this again! If you have a hunger, claim this for yourself, even if you weren't there. This prophecy became very profound and real to me on the last night of the conference --though I didn't make a connection until just now. Also it seems to fit with what pastor Denny Cline has been speaking about lately... breakthrough, and pressing/passing through for the long-haul.}
It's a New Season! "Ayin"
We have crossed over into a new season. It is important to know God's calendar.
Your clock is therefore being re-established -- including even your bio-rythm.
The calendars of the world are important. On Dec 31, Wall Street declared that they have to start paying attention to the other calendars of the world (like the Hebrew calendar, probably Chinese calendar, etc) if they are going to succeed!
Supernatural faith is increasing boldness and breaking us out of a conventional-thinking mold. New Identity! You'll start saying: "I'm just becoming new without trying!!!"
2010 is :
- A time to transform
- A time to thresh -- throw it all up in the air and let God separate it out!
- A time to shout Grace -- it crumbles mountains
- A time to move mountains
Ayin = 70 {as in the year 5770}
The symbol for this year is "ayin" which looks like a script lower case y.

It means: a hand extended upward to heaven and a sword coming down from heaven that creates a new intersection. So, You've already come full circle, now it's time to move forward, and for ground to break open. {I presume because of the sword from heaven intersecting the earth where we are}
[Some say it looks like two snake heads rising up (that's what I thought it looked like), and some think it looks like new sprouts of wheat with their little heads lifted up. Both are significant.... more later]
Interjected... a prophecy for Oregon: Ground is breaking open that could not break open before. God will penetrate into the soil and bring His Spirit into our spirit. The well of our spirits is opening up.
"Ayin" means: "The Eye of the Lord is upon us", and the whole season is about eyes and seeing (supernaturally).
{Barbie Breathitt similarly prophecied this season being about ayin and seeing... see her word "The Year of the Seer" at I assume she is going off of much of what Chuck as been saying since August; her word is excellent and much better than what I can explain here}
It is "the most supernatural season ever." The Supernatural realm will open up like never before. {Recall that Steve Shultz, before hearing Chuck's message, prophesied an increase of superatural encounters of seeing Jesus face to face!}
All 70s in the Bible are related to captivity being broken.
10 is always related to testimony.
7 is always related to completion.
Therefore -- Testing {and testimonies?} will be completed by the fullness of the season, which Chuck says is the end of March {Remember the Jewish year started last fall, not in January}
A time to see
Ayin = The Eye of the Lord is watching. So...
- Gain sight and vision in this season
- See eye to eye, face to face
- Always Look Again. Things become see-able in this season, so take a second look... Increase your aperature, pay attention to flashes and peripheral sights; record visions quickly, even if you don't understand or if you aren't sure of what you saw or whether you saw anything at all. Record it immediately and then ask for the meaning. God will give you the meaning if you are paying attention. --- Discipline your mind to capture flash thoughts. They are there to direct your life.
- See sprouts bud (the ayin symbol kind of looks like budding sprouts)
- It is a time to sparkle and gleam
- Spring forth! Bubble up. Especially prophetic revelation will bubble up in the next two years, then it will lessen. Be diligent to write and guard it.
- New wells
- Go beyond, go deeper
- Form a ladder and climb out of your hole/pit
- This is a time to nurture
- This will be a season of crime, hostility, and vexation (the evil eye) This has to do with superstition (which says if you don't do everything just right, God won't be happy with you), gambling (in terms of a bloodline issue) and mammon (concern over supply)
We are shifting from hearing to seeing. Seeing will cause your hearing to increase.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Praise The Destroyer
The Destroyer?
I was a little suprised by own words. God is Patience and Kindness. He is about Goodness and Grace, Healing and Freedom. But I could not get this out of my head or off my lips!
The Word of God says,
"Let evil recoil on those who slander me; in your faithfulness destroy them." Ps 54:5
"Let my persecutors be put to shame, but keep me from shame; let them be terrified but keep me from terror; bring on them the day of disaster; destroy them with double destruction." Jer 17:18
"The Lord watches over all who love him, but all the wicked he will destroy." Ps 145:20
Praise God that He destroys the works of the enemy in our lives. He will avenge us. He will save us from temptations, faulty belief systems, Satan's schemes to take us out, even our own folly. Not only will he remove us to safety but He will utterly destroy those things meant to destroy us.
Shortly after I began seeing God this way and thanking Him for it, I logged on to Stir the Water, a website about learning to walk in the prophetic, especially the seer anointing. In one of the posts, a user said the Lord had shown him Jesus manifested in the form of a coiled serpent. Again, I was slightly agahst -- serpents are of the devil, right? I was certain this person had lost it, but the Lord showed me again that in His Goodness, He is, indeed the Destroyer. The image given was of a coiled snake, still as a stone, but able to strike out at its enemies before they even knew what was happening. God's message to the poster (and to us) is "I can rest and be still, because I am in control". Imagine the muscle control of a serpent as it lies completely still, perhaps basking in the sun, but then lashing out in utmost precision. Our perfect Savior is just like that!
Then, a couple days later a friend was sharing with me a dream she'd had in which she found herself having snuck up on some thieves and in one swift motion, snapped their necks, killing them. I know that sounds greusome -- at least it did to me -- but she knew the Lord was affirming to her that he was giving her discernment and power to destroy evil that comes into her life and against her family. Then I saw, God not only works on our behalf, but He teaches us to destroy the works of the evil one ourselves... in His power and authority. He does not want us to be helpless babies but to "grow up in all things into Christ." (Eph 4:15; also see Psalm 101) It is God who ultimately avenges, and He alone is the Judge when it comes to people. But Satan, all his cohorts, and all his schemes and weapons, God has already judged. Therefore we judge them too, and walk in His destroying power against the darkness of the spiritual realm.
This morning I wrote out my previous post of what Steve Shultz had said, including that God is contending with the wicked and seriously avenging His own. And it hit me -- Hey, there's a theme going on here!!! (God speaks in confirmations)
Steve is a man of grace, mercy and forgiveness, and I have never heard him speak with such a tone of warning and urgency. Indeed, he even said it was hard for him to do but had to speak as the Lord was speaking. Yet, in God's severity we rejoice! After all, it's His love and grace He has poured out on us. But upon His enemies and ours, He pours out wrath and destruction... for our sake!
Thank you, Lord, for your power which you work on our behalf. Thank you for your mercy and your protection. Destroy of the works of the enemy, including the strongholds in our thinking that sometimes we'd rather hold on to. In your severity you are good and worthy of thanksgiving and praise!
Jesus Encounters and God Contending
The comments inside the brackets, {} , are my own personal thoughts or revelation.
Thursday afternoon: speaker Steve Shultz
Increase of Jesus Encounters
Steve's message was primarily about new revelation of Jesus Christ. Every time the 24 elders around God's throne cast down their crowns and say, "glory!" they are getting new revelation of Jesus Christ. {And they've been there a long time, so there's alot for us yet to get!}
Every day, we have (or should be having) new, fresh revelation of Jesus Christ. He said the things we will realize about Jesus this year will amaze us.!!
Hebrews 1:1-3a "God, after He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways, in these last days has spoken to us in His Son.... He is the radiance of His glory and the exact reprentation of His nature and upholds all things by the word of His power. "
Believe you can have FACE TO FACE encounters with Jesus. Such experiences are increasing and will increase throughout this year and the coming decade! Have you seen Jesus in a dream? That counts for a face to face encounter. It's not just a dream.... He is in the room, manifesting Himself to you.
ASK for the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation and for the Fear of God SO THAT YOU MAY KNOW HIM BETTER. (Eph 1:17) (Steve pointed out that the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation is apparently not the same as the Holy Spirit per se, since Paul was Spirit-filled and was writing to Spirit-filled people. This is something more, to be asked for and sought out in addition to "being Spirit filled"). Then, WAIT ON THE LORD. Nothing has to "happen". Some fantastic manifestation is not proof that you are in the Presence or that God is filling you up. If something "happens", great; if not, great.
Purposefly detach your yourself from the tree of knowledge and re-graft into the True Vine Every Day. This all takes DISCIPLINE.
God will Contend with the Contentious and Vindicate the Righteous
This year, God will contend with those who contend with us, His people (Is 49:25).... IF we are blessing our enemies, loving those who hate us, praying for those who persecute us, etc.
Revelation 3:8-9 "I know your deeds. Behold, I have put before you an open door which no one can shut, because you have a little power, and have kept my word, and have not denied my name. Behold I will cause those of the synagoge of Satan, who say that they are Jews, {claim to be people of God} and are not, but lie -- behold I will make them to come and bow down at your feet, and to know I that I have loved you."
This is very sobering.
-- We must walk in forgiveness and humility or the judgement will bounce back to us.
-- We must walk in repentence and love towards our brothers.... indeed, if we are contending with -- talking against, holding things against, being dishonest with -- any of God's people then we are the ones God will contend with. We do not want that to happen!
-- We don't ask for this. God will do as He sees fit. Solomon was rewarded because He did not ask for the destruction of His enemies.
Steve says he believes we may be entering a season like that of Ananias and Saphira, who lied to the apostles and were immediately killed by God. He said that after God started speaking to him about this, he began remembering people who had "contended with" him personally in one way or another and all of those people have had very severe things happen to them (including sudden death). He's not saying he was "THE" reason for that, and he certainly did not pray for that to happen to them, but just that God's vengeance for us will come and that it is a very sobering thing to think about. The greatest form of vengeance is for them to get saved!!
"This is the year to bless your enemies and see God defend you!!"
"What God is Saying for 2010" Conference -- my overall impressions
I got excited at this conference. The gist of a lot of what I heard Chuck Pierce, especially, saying was that 2009 (I have notes from his word for last year too, if you want them) was the year of the womb, and of "coming full circle." 2009 felt like a lot of pushing, and like going around the mountain again. 2010 (year 5770 on the Hebrew calendar) carries the (Jewish) symbol of ayin, which has several meanings, but the first one I clued in on was about hands reaching up to heaven and a SWORD reaching down to earth to intersect and bring a breakthrough in the very things we have been beseeching heaven for.
Several themes resonated throughout the weekend even though speakers had not talked to each other about their topics. Most of them were exciting and hopeful, some of them sobering, and all of them pretty much dependent upon a people hungry for the presence of God and willing to watch and wait in the secret place, just for the sake of love.
God is promising though, in answer to our waiting, a great outpouring of His manifest presence and a great awakening in America. We have been waiting and praying for revival and visitiation for so long, it has almost seemed the waiting will go on forever, but many are seeing that we have enered the season when we will see the answers. Indeed, many miracles, signs, and outpourings are already coming about. God has not forgotten or forsaken America and by early this spring, the prophets say, the world will recognize that He is on the move in the Church in America. Yes, the Church.
"Coming down," so to speak, after the conference, I suffered a few days of depression, because there was so much hope and vision poured out, and yet many of the specific answers for my personal life are still out of grasp. I am pressed by the Spririt every day to come into the secret place, to watch and wait even when nothing seems to come of it, and to really get specific about what I want and need. It is time to urge heaven and not shrink back. It is not time to hesitate, and that is something I am really bad about. I am also challenged to live my life before my family and friends as a testimony of His grace and glory and of faith in His promises, how ever foolish it may seem.
The favorable year of the LORD
I have wanted to and been encouraged to for some time now, but where to begin?
Well, I discovered that you start with a Title. That directs you, doesn't it? It states your purpose.
So I began to ask myself, "Okay, why am I doing this?" The first thing that popped into my head was "Proclaim the Favorable Year of the Lord!" I tried to think up other titles that would fit the prophetic and mystical experiences and musings that I hope to convey, but the Holy Spirit kept pressing me... Proclaim the Favorable Year of the Lord... the time/season of his favor and grace. It can't be about me. It's about Him, and it's about YOU. Isn't that what all prophecy and heavenly "download" is about anyway?
It has been spoken by many that we -- the Church, the World -- everyone, has entered a new season (whether we know it or not) and God is about to blow across the land in unprecedented waves of both judgement and grace. It is time to seek the Lord while He may be found. And found He will be! It is His promise. I believe He will be found in many unexpected ways.
I will begin by posting my notes, which I took during the "What God is Doing: 2010" prophetic conference in Albany, OR the first week of January. Oh, man! I got excited during that conference about God's plans, His favor, His love, and the revelation of Himself that He is about to pour out on those who seek Him. Indeed, this is the year to Proclaim the Favor of the LORD.